Regular Jobs are a separate, tradable NFT that you can use to earn an ERC20 token called “Regular Dollars” (ⓇREG).
Regular Jobs look like a regular ID card you might be issued as an employee.
Each Regular Job will allow you to name your Regular and earn a random salary in ⓇREG which you claim any time for a gas fee.
Each Regular Job will allow you to name your Regular and earn a salary in ⓇREG, which you claim any time for a gas-fee.
Regular Jobs are tradable on secondary markets, and you can reassign your Regular Job to a different Regular you own any time.
Regular Jobs will display the name of the Regular that is assigned to it, a random Job title, and 1 of 60 companies.
You can change the on-chain name displayed on your Jobs NFT at any time using the dashboard on
Yes, but the name must be 24 characters or less and cannot contain numbers or symbols. The name cannot begin or end with a space, and double spaces are not allowed. Lastly, each name must be unique, you can’t use the same name that somebody else has used.
Regular Jobs are a separate, tradable NFT that you can use to earn an ERC20 token called “Regular Dollars” (ⓇREG). ⓇREG is capped at 100 million tokens.
ⓇREG is capped at 100 million tokens.
Jobs are free, but they will cost gas to mint. Your wallet must have a Regular in it to mint a Job. Visit with the wallet that holds your Regulars.
You can mint a maximum of 10 Jobs at a time. This limitation is on the front end only as a precaution against failed transactions. You are welcome to mint more jobs directly from the contract if you understand the risk and can navigate gas settings.
Your wallet must have a Regular in it to mint a Job.
There is an advanced option to mint directly from the contract if you do not have access to Regulars or if they are in cold storage.